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Posted by ExactlyOdo (VIP) Sep 1 2006 9:56PM

What is the point of a player who has created a table but is away? Why don't they just close the table so they don't waste the other player's time.

'Away' status for a player & game tables for 'away' players
Posted by webmaster (moderator) Sep 1 2006 10:11PM

The player's status will automatically switch to 'away' without the player's interference when the game server detects a certain period of inactivity. If a player opened the table and is listed as 'away' with a sufficiently prolonged inactivity (1 hour), such game table will be closed by the server. The players can also select 'away' status manually (via game lobby). They would typically do that when they are expecting a short break...

game room
Posted by ExactlyOdo (VIP) Sep 9 2006 2:44PM

Then why is XXX player always away every day hour after hour? <B>from webmaster:</B> <i>The name of the player was edited out. Some of GameColony players periodically check their open table, display some activity and then go back to whatever else they were doing. This bypasses inactivity checks and keeps their connection active.</i>

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